Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2/4 Check In

Horrible headache, getting old sucks. Weather changes never used to affect me. Now I get horrible sinus headaches everytime the weather changes. Bitter cold here today. *shiver*

Weigh in this morning and I stayed the same.

Because of the stupid headache, I didn't get up and work out. I'm getting flabby. I really need to get back into my exercise routine. I got an email yesterday that Girls On The Run starts March 16th! Time to get moving again.

Tomorrow, I WILL get up and do the Shred before work.


Bravie said...

Well? Did you get up?

Unknown said...

Hi! I am Kristi from the weight watchers board. I wanted to let you know that I think your weigth loss is great! Keep it up, and great site!
