Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Check-In 5/13

Back down 2 this week, the bloat is gone.

We were told to start drinking Gatorade while training, so I did last week. Oh my! I will only be using half the powder stick from now on. Soooooo bloated, I could taste the salt in it!

Here's this Weeks Training Schedule-

Countdown: 13 Weeks
Your Training Schedule for This Week:

Monday-Rest I walked 3 miles. (was off work)
Tuesday-3 miles, Easy walking Jogged 2.67 miles with Girls on The Run practice.
Wednesday-15 minutes, Moderate cross-training I ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes this morning.
Thursday-5 miles, Moderate walking
Friday-30 minutes , Easy cross-training
Saturday-8 miles, Easy walking
Sunday-6 miles, Easy walking


darcidoe said...

I told you Gatorade was bad. Don't they have a reduced calorie one like Vitaminwater 10?

Breezy said...

It was reduced calorie, 15 calories and it was soooo salty.

darcidoe said...

Just drink Orange juice. There is enough salt in it to boost you.